Grupa C - Uderzenia i kopnięcia
Jodan or chudan Tsuki - punch from the fronts-side with the hand to the head or to the body.
Cel: Solar plexus, stomac or face.
Ago Tsuki (Upper cut) – punch with the fist.
Cel: Chin
Mawashi Tsuki (Hook) – Semi-circular punch with the fist.
Cel: Tori’s side of the head
Mae Geri – front kick with the leg
Cel: Solar Plexus, stomach
Mawashi Geri – Semi-circular kick with the leg Cel: Solar Plexus, stomach
Tori is allowed to make a step back and lightly turn the body.
General comment: The attack must be able to reach Tori, if he is not moving away.
It is not allowed to move before the attack is started. Tori must react on the attack.